CALL TODAY 818-279-6580 WE ARE OPEN 8 30am-5 00pm We are a non profit organization that gathers information about various housing resources that we share with the seniors who reach out to us. Options may be licensed and unlicensed facilities homes and apartments. Our specialty is working with lower income seniors who have disabilities but will try our best with any senior who reaches out to us.Amenities vary based on location Room and boardUtilitiesFoodWifiWhen you call in you will be asked to complete an 10-15 minute intake over the phone. Next we will process your file draft a plan of action and then assign a care coordinator to call you back to review available options. This program is for seniors who are over 65 and most locations do also have some disability criteria as well.Pricing varies by location and can be based on ability to pay care Medi-Cal or VA programs among other factors. Call (818-279-6580) to complete the intake process.Serving Seniors From Arleta Cahuenga Pass Canoga Park Chatsworth Encino Granada Hills La Tuna Canyon Lake Balboa Lake View Terrace Mission Hills NoHo Arts District North Hills North Hollywood Northridge Pacoima Panorama City Porter Ranch Reseda Shadow Hills Sherman Oaks Studio City Sun Valley Sunland-Tujunga Sylmar Tarzana Toluca Lake Valley Glen Valley Village Van Nuys Warner Center West Hills Winnetka and Woodland Hills and MORE



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