Automated business continuity management software for start ups

We are one of the leading global technology solutions providers, and we focus ourselves on offering best Business Continuity and Crisis Management Solutions for our truly Global Clientele. Headquartered at Singapore, Ascent Business continuously works toward enhancing software product offerings to manage arising difficulties in achieving Enterprise Resilience. Our state-of-the-art AutoBCM is a web-based multi-tenant automated business continuity planning software with ISO 22301 compliance and risk mitigation capabilities for managing business continuity and resilience management lifecycles. It comes with completely customizable business continuity tools like Business Continuity Planning, BIA, RA, ITDR, Reporting, Testing and Exercising, also providing live monitoring of critical business operations through custom dashboards. With on-premise or on-cloud hosting, this little software package will work efficiently even at times when your network is down. AutoBCM is a best business continuity management software with an intelligent Crisis Response mechanism that informs relevant members of the organization with details of an arising crisis so immediate response can be provided. It also helps further with the decision-making process, by providing teams with a list of ready responses to choose from. Using AutoBCM, you can now fill in gaps in the organization?s dependencies for years to come. Request a demo today and secure the future continuity of your organization!



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