Field Sales Representative - Reno NV

Take the lead and close the deal at the center of where it all happens our customers homes. Whether your support is in person or via phone you ll be the face and voice of AT& T. Each day will offer a fresh opportunity to meet sales goals while introducing customers to our award-winning wireless and TV service. We ll rely on your sales expertise product knowledge and best-in-class customer service to sell state of the art technology and meet customers needs.What does it take to deliver the white glove experience It s all about meeting our customers where they are whether that means traveling to their residence place of business or creating meaningful connections through excellent communication strategic thinking and personalized sales interactions. You ll provide whatever it takes to close the deal with ease hands on demos WiFi assessments tech delivery and issue resolution. Each day will offer unique opportunities so you ll need to be flexible and open to change as we put the safety of our employees and customers first. There may even be instances where you ll need to demonstrate the ability to empathize provide conflict resolution and provide tech support to retain our valued customers. Additional Key Skills The ability to generate leads manage sales funnels and upsell products & services A baseline knowledge and comfort with the latest tech Cold-calling and or dispatching skills and the ability to transition warm leads to sales Self-sufficiency and the ability to solve a variety of tasks Excellent time management and communication skills Problem-solving skills & the ability to troubleshoot and pivot between tasks Experience with mobility is a plus You will also need to perform the following functions with or without reasonable accommodation Work hours may include evenings weekends and holidays Maintain a valid driver s license Have and maintain a clean driving record Utilize required PPE and adhere to all safety measures including basic sanitizing procedures What s in it for you Our most successful experts are goal driven and earn big while exceeding sales metrics. Once you re a part of our team you ll gain an amazing benefits package with salary commission the use of a company car medical dental coverage a 401(k) plan tuition reimbursement ongoing paid training and paid time off. Rounding out these benefits and perks we also provide employee discount on AT& T wireless phone service AT& T internet & fiber DIRECTV (including Free HBO & NFL Sunday Ticket) or U-verse TV Ready to take your career on the road Apply today. renofsr



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