Database Software Developer

Are you a Database Software Developer who has experience with Microsoft Azure If yes we want you to join our team of developers.Responsibilities Work with product management engineering and architecture to develop a new product solution Participate and contribute through the full development life-cycle including unit testing design development security checks and publishing Work within your development team to design develop and deliver the new product solution Provide 3rd level support for field issues Available for after hours on call support on a rotational basis Required Skills and Experience MUST qualify for Top Secret Security Clearance (Canadian Citizen with 10 years verifiable residence) 5 years of experience working in SQL Database Development Experience working with Microsoft Azure Capable of working with Back-end technologies C Degree or Diploma from accredited institution in either Computer Science Software Engineering or equivalent Strong written and verbal communications Familiar with Agile development practices Skilled in building customer-facing applications Experience supporting enterprise level databases Note 1 You MUST be legally entitled to work in Canada (i.e. possess Canadian Citizenship Permanent Residency or Valid Work Permit)Note 2 High Tech Genesis Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.Note 3 In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) HTG will provide accommodation accessible formats and communication supports for the interview process upon request.Note 4 Please submit an MS Word version of your resume when applying for this position.Note 5 Salary is commensurate with experience.



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