WHY SUMUKHA IS THE BEST HOME NURSING SERVICE You might be wondering why to choose Sumukha home nursing services when others are offering the same home care services in Bengaluru The reason behind this being Home-Based Care Sumukha renders end to end management of all medical needs as prescribed by a doctor or a physician that includes post-discharge follow-ups and other short term nursing requirements. Save Time Save Money Nothing can be as dear as the life of your loved ones. Isn t it. Say bye-bye to long commute stress and waiting in endless ques. Book an appointment at Sumukha at your convenience. This will not only save you precious time but also your money as well. Qualified Nurses We do not compromise on the quality of the service that we deliver when it comes to home nursing services. We at Sumukha hire only the best certified and highly trained nurses to ensure quality home care services. Sterilized and Packaged Medical Kits Sumukha home nursing ensures the use of highly sterilized and packaged medical kits to the patients. We are more particular when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness. Sumukha uses highly sterilized and packaged medical kits for all our procedures thus ensuring total precaution and adhering to strict sterilizing techniques. Quality Assurance Sumukha undertakes regular training sessions for all our staff and nurses just to ensure they are updated with the new processes and methodologies taking place in the medical field. For more information contact us Thanks & Regards JYOTHI M.S (OFFICE STAFF) Sumukha Facilitators Pvt Ltd Head Office 477 1st Floor 45th Cross Jayanagar 8th Block Bangalore-560082 Land Mark Near Sangam Circlewebsite www.homenursingservices.in Help Line 918095990811 9243200017 Email sumukha(at)homenursingservices.in homenursingservicesbangalore(at)gmail.comBran ches Sarjapura Road-Marathahalli- sanjaynagar- Kanakpura Road



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