Our mission is to provide all CA CCW LA OC Residents Applicants with an exciting and comprehensive understanding of the penal codes as they apply to use of force safe gun handling marksmanship less than lethal solutions tactical considerations and scenarios and live fire drills. Classes are designed to be informal interactive and life changing The course is taught by retired US Military and Law Enforcement Officers with outstanding qualifications and a wealth of experience & knowledge in the field. The material covered will include CA & Federal Gun Laws responsibilities ethical considerations firearms training and qualification as mandated by law.LASD Standardized Course of Fire for Certification Target B-27 Target Course of Fire 24 rounds fired without time limitation at each of the (3) specified distance. Firing Distances 3 yards 5 yards 7 yards Minimum Passing Score 70% of rounds fired at each distance (17 of 24 rounds) must score within the 7-ring of the B27 Target. Other Requirements The student shall be required to safely load unload and reload their handgun during the course of fire. This course of fire shall be required for the first firearm you will be licensed to carry. All subsequent firearm qualification courses of fire shall consist of 20 total rounds--10 rounds at the 5 & 7 yards. The passing score will remain 70% of hits 7 of 10 rounds within the 7-ring of the B-27 target at each distance.REQUIRED GEAR AND EQUIPMENTEquipment Ammunition Eye and ear protection Holster (outside the waistband style recommended due to repetitious training) Belt Speedloader (Optional) 2 magazines Primary handgun (200 rounds of ammo) 20 rounds of ammunition for each additional gun The weapon(s) you intend to use on the permit must be used during the course. Cost covers handouts and range fees. This course does not guarantee the approval of your C.C.W. permit nor the range qualification portion. The classroom portion can be completed on-line for 150.Any questions please email info(at)



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