bpo campaign

Hello Greetings of the Sky Technology Sky technology is a leading outsourcing company in India We provide outsourcing opportunities for Non-Voice campaigns. Campaign Name Medical Insurance Chat and Email SupportWORK for a Medical Insurance company based in the USA Start with a minimum of 20 Agents. Payout 15 hour system Monday to Friday Working and Weekly Payouts 1 Month Advance billing from Client after SLAWe also have Non-voice and Chat and Email support campaigns available which can be started with 5 seats.Consultation charges will be applicable For more details contact me on below-mentioned details. Thanks and Regards.Contact no 91 7383728565 mail - bmodhera(at)skytechno.co.in Skype - live .cid.2e4b2202cd0e6a4fHello Greetings of the Sky Technology Sky technology is a leading outsourcing company in India We provide outsourcing opportunities for Non-Voice campaigns. Campaign Name Medical Insurance Chat and Email SupportWORK for a Medical Insurance company based in the USA Start with a minimum of 20 Agents. Payout 15 hour system Monday to Friday Working and Weekly Payouts 1 Month Advance billing from Client after SLAWe also have Non-voice and Chat and Email support campaigns available which can be started with 5 seats.Consultation charges will be applicable For more details contact me on below-mentioned details. Thanks and Regards.Contact no 91 7383728565 mail - bmodhera(at)skytechno.co.in Skype - live .cid.2e4b2202cd0e6a4f



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