General Labor - GIG Work

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Burlington Vermont 5401 is currently hiring a General Labor - GIG Work Job Description Are you looking for work TODAY Or tomorrow Do you know that you have next Monday and Tuesday available and want to make a few extra bucks instead of hanging out at home Or perhaps you work during the week but are also interested in weekend work here and there AtPeopleReadywe have dozens of On-Demand opportunities - those jobs for which we may only need people for one day or one weekend. These opportunities come up at the lastminute orare so flexible in nature that our associates can easily pick and choose the days or jobs they want to work on any given day - those that fit exactly within their schedule. When you apply withPeopleReadyto be considered for On-Demand opportunities you become part of an interactive network via our text alerts and the use of ourJobStackapp. You get notified when work is available - and if you re up for it - you commit to the job. It s that easy. Responsibilities Examples of On-Demand positions a quick turn-around set up for an event working concessions for the big home game this Sunday helping to unload trucks full of material for a retail store remodel. Advantages of On-Demand positions the opportunities could be in a variety of environments include a wide range of tasks and the best part is that in most cases you don t need to make a long-term commitment. Qualifications & Experience Most of the time no experience is needed for our On-Demand opportunities. Some however require some initial training - but once you have that behind you you can accept similar future On-Demand assignments on-the-spot. Additional Information - For other temporary Temp-To-Hire General Labor open positions with us - See below and Contact the Branch for more information The job duties of aGeneral Laborvary sometimes even day-to-day at the same site. They may include cleaning and preparing a jobsite loading and delivering materials using different tools and machines such as blowtorches driving forklifts reading levels operating lifts and manning power drills grinders saws pressure washers and water spraying equipment. Laborers set up and take down ladders scaffolding and other temporary structures. They help carpenters masons and other specialized contractors. Responsibilities Include



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