Phillip s Handyman

I am a Handyman I work alone. I have lisence and I am insured I can do small jobs for you around your house. If you have something I am not able to do I will not waste your time or mine I will tell you. I can do wood or chain link fence. I have no experiance in vinyl fence. I can replace a fan I can replace a faucet I can do some drywall work clean your yard dig a hole what ever small job you have you can t do yourself. I do not do roof work or tree work. I don t go up high. I can do some small concrete jobs. I use to be a form carpenter by trade. I am not always in the office so call leave a message and I will get back to you. I am old school. I like to come to your house see the job and let you know if it is something I can do. I give fair prices. If you don t choose me for your job. I just want to thank you for reading my ad. Phillip



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