Andrea&rsquos In-Home Support LLC

Andrea s In-home Services LLC(Tallahassee)I provide quality care to those who prove to be self-sufficient and mobile with their daily living. The services I provide Bathing Dressing Feeding Laundry Linens Meal Preparation Light Exercise Light Housekeeping The loving care I provides keeps me well connected with my clients and allows me to be a understanding compainion to converse with in times of need. [I have been tested NEGATIVE for COVID-19 & have received Both COVID Shots] Prices Home Companion 12 hr. (Minimum 3hrs.)In-Home Private Care 15 hr. (Minimum 3hrs.) If they are NOT mobile Email blackandrea63(at) Phone (850)564-6720 REMINDER I DO LIGHT HOUSEHOLD CLEANING AND I OFFER CAREGIVER SERVICES TO ANYONE IN NEED. THANK YOU



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