Hot New Toy For Christmas

Robot Toy for Kids Rolling with Music Touch Sensitive Play Song Multi Persons Music Interaction Applause Activated Wake Up Auto Standby Mode Gift for Toddlers Boys Girls Ages 1 2 3-8Length(cm) 15.20Width(cm) 11.10 Height(cm) 9.60 Weight(g) 236.00 Rolling with Light and Music - This funny robot can 360 rolling flip forward and backward the eyes light keep blue. It will roll backward immediately when encountering obstacles. Innovative Touch Sensing Function - Adopt innovative touch sensing technology touch the sensing points to activate the intelligent sensor kids can play five different wonderful music. Single and Multiplayer Interactive Two Modes - In single mode the robot can dance with light and music kids can play the piano music with touch sensing function. In multiplayer interactive mode kids can interact with their friends families transmit signals through fingers touch play music make the robot active. Clap to Wake Up & Auto Standby - This intelligent robot can be wake up by applause your kids just need to clap the palm of the hand after the robot sensing the sound it will reactivate. If the surrounding environment is quiet and there is no sound the robot will enter standby mode. Safe and Durable - Made of high-quality ABS material smooth surface. The durable body will accompany the child for a longer time without worrying about the robot being broken when it is dropped. Package Dimensions5.94 x 4.41 x 3.9 inchesItem Weight8.4 ounces



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