Tool and Die Maker Specialist

Tool & Die Maker SpecialistEast Tulsa Company Searching for Experienced Tool & Die Maker Pay 32 hr Hours Monday- Friday 7 00AM - 3 30PM Location East Tulsa OK Job Type Direct Hire Must have progressive die experience for power press and punchJob Summary The tool & die maker position uses appropriate equipment such as surface grinder and other equipment to repair and or maintain tooling to match part drawings.Essential Functions Read blueprints and use necessary measuring devices to make or modify existing tooling tools for new or old job prints. Make sure tools are sharpened and tool holders in good working condition before being placed back on shelf or in tool drawers. Repair or requisition replacement parts tooling or hardware as needed to maintain adequate stock. Conduct test runs with completed tools or dies to ensure that parts meet specifications make adjustments as necessary. Fit and assemble parts to make repair or modify dies jigs gauges and tools using machine tools and hand tools with proper approval. Inspect finished dies for smoothness contour conformity and defects. Lift position and secure machined parts on surface plates or worktables using hoists vises v-blocks or angle plates. Set up and operate conventional or computer numerically controlled machine tools such as lathes milling machines and grinders to cut bore grind or otherwise shape parts to prescribed dimensions and finishes. Set up and operate drill presses to drill and tap holes in parts for assembly. Smooth and polish flat and contoured surfaces of parts or tools using scrapers abrasive stones files emery cloths or power grinders. Verify dimensions alignments and clearances of finished parts for conformance to specifications using measuring instruments such as calipers gauge blocks micrometers and dial indicators. Using manual semi-automated or automated presses to perform work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials to create precision components. Configuring equipment feeding material onto the equipment and feeding material through the die and removing parts from the die. Measuring and qualifying finished product. Manufacture products from work orders drawings engineering instructions and other related control documents.Job ID 111787Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionTulsa Office Locations 4305 S Mingo Road Suite F Tulsa Oklahoma 74145 or 1531 East 2nd Street Tulsa Oklahoma 74120 Application Time 7 00am to 3 30pm Monday-FridayClaremore Office Location 507 E Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore Oklahoma 74017 Application Time 7 00am to 3 30pm Monday-Friday 50 Advance after your first day of work Alternatively You may submit your resume to Resume(at)StandByPersonnel.comReferral Bonus 125 for referring a Skilled Division employee and 200 for referring a Welding Division CNC Machinist after 80 hours of work tool& die tooling



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