General Labor

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Essex Junction Vermont 5452 is currently hiring a General Labor Job Description PeopleReady ofBurlington has an immediate opening forGeneral Labors in Essex Junction VT. Are you looking for immediate work and that makes an immediate positive impact Are you the type of person who loves diversity in your work day We are now hiring for General Laborwith a real passion for working with their hands to chip in at clients jobsites.General Laborcan be found on almost all sites performing a wide range of tasks from very easy to hazardous. The job duties of aGeneral Laborvary sometimes even day-to-day at the same site. They may include cleaning and preparing a jobsite loading and delivering materials using different tools and machines such as blowtorches driving forklifts reading levels operating lifts and manning power drills grinders saws pressure washers and water spraying equipment. Laborers set up and take down ladders scaffolding and other temporary structures. They help carpenters masons and other specialized contractors. Shift Timing - All Shifts Responsibilities Include Moving securing installing building loading or unloading materials Some specialized tasks may require on-the job training Moving items from place to place according to direction from the site supervisor Moving dirt or other material as directed in plans or by supervisor Must be able to operate power tools supplied by client read tape measure may work from scissor lift or scaffolding ( protection provided by client) material moving equipment pallet rack Qualifications There is no minimal educational requirement but specialized training can help laborers advance Verifiable work history that shows professional skills and experience Strong work ethic Some assignments have additional screening requirements such as background checks and or drug tests Must have Steel Toe Boots For More information please contact the Branch at - 1- Call -8028649262 2- Email -2275-br(at)



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