Farm supervisor

Dashwood ON N0M 1N0 18.00 hour 1 vacancy Employment groups Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Permanent employment Full time 40 hours week As soon as possibleJob requirements Languages EnglishEducation Secondary (high) school graduation certificateExperience 2 years to less than 3 yearsAbility to Supervise 5-10 peopleWork Conditions and Physical Capabilities Work under pressure Physically demanding Attention to detail Large workloadPersonal Suitability Organized Team playerAdditional Skills Maintain work records and logs Operate and maintain farm machinery and equipment Perform general farm dutiesSpecific Skills Monitoring animal healthFarm Supervisors Specific Skills Maintain quality control and production records Develop work schedules and establish procedures Co-ordinate and supervise the work of general farm workers and harvesting labourers Supervise and oversee growing and other crop-related operations Supervise and oversee breeding and other livestock-related programs Ensure farm safety and bio-security procedures are followedHow to apply By email justinmuller(at)



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