Buy Luxury Blue Modern Rug at Cocoon Fine Rugs

When art and design meet excellency it converges to create the most unique designs that add a sense of opulence to your home. A visual treat for art lovers and a rug that adds harmony to your decor.An exclusive collection by DAAA HAUS for Cocoon Fine Rugs inspired by James Vella Clark s Convergence Series of Oil on Canvas. A Convergence of Ideas Cultures Countries Art & Design Colours fabrics & Trends. The idea was germinated when Keith Pillow of DAAA HAUS was travelling to India for the first time in 2019 exploring the possibility to set up a satellite design & architecture studio in Mumbai he immediately fell in love with the country its craftsmanship and the traditions. The project is brought together with the admirable craftsmanship of Cocoon Fine Rugs from India.Approx Size - 10 x10 (round)(25.4 x 25.4)Log on to



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