Manager of Visitor Experience at Non-Profit Science Center

The Manager of Visitor Experience is responsible for the daily operations of the ticketing counter and gift shop while providing direct leadership to all Visitor Experience team members. In addition the Manager of Visitor Experience will be an enthusiastic and knowledgeable first impression of McWane Science Center and greet and assist all visitors with accurate information about exhibits events IMAX films memberships and other activities within the center. This position will work to actively resolve any customer service issues with a positive and polite attitude. The schedule for this position will generally be Wednesday through Sunday from 8 30AM until 5 30PM. Accountabilities and Major Duties 1. Responsible for the direct management of all Visitor Experience team members. This includes but is not limited to staff development (feedback 1 1 meetings training retention motivation etc.) on-boarding of new hires training (daily operating procedures cash-handling customer service expectations etc.) and scheduling. Responsible for ensuring the ticketing counter and the Cool Stuff Store are properly staffed taking into consideration high attendance days holidays call-outs and leave requests. 2. Lead by example in enforcing policies and procedures providing exemplary customer service and a visitor-focused approach to opportunities and challenges.3. Understand and communicate clearly to both staff and guests all vital information regarding programs exhibits events IMAX films membership and other McWane Science Center activities and areas.4. Responsible for daily opening and closing procedures related to cash registers safe deposits change requests and related paperwork that follow established protocols. 5. Accurately process cash and credit transactions and maintain a balanced cash drawer. 6. Ensure direct areas are adequately supplied with entrance stickers receipt tape maps etc. and are regularly maintained to present a clean organized and welcome environment. 7. Liaise with other departments for clear communication of anything related to visitor experience coordinate with Education regarding program announcements and assist Group Services with greeting and check-in processes of groups. Serves as back-up support to other Visitor Experience team members. 9. Suggest and sell memberships IMAX upgrades merchandise etc. to guests.10. Assist in inventory management and control in the gift shop and provide feedback on buying decisions. Minimum Qualifications 1. High School diploma or equivalent. 2. Proven managerial experience in a retail or similar environment. 3. Flexible working hours and days including weekends and holidays. 4. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. 5. Minimum 5 years cash-handling experience. 6. Minimum 5 years front-line customer service experience.7. Minimum 2 years Point-of-Sale computer experience. 8. Demonstrated ability to count down and balance a cash drawer. 9. Inventory management experience a plus. 10. Capable of working in fast paced environment with distractions. 11. Strong computer skills. 12. Must be at least 18 years of age.Minimum Physical Qualifications 1. Ability to sit stand for extended periods of time without being able to leave the work area. 2. Ability to perform work using computer for extended periods of time. 3. Ability to lift up to 25 pounds. 4. Ability to hear use a headset for extended periods of time. 5. Hearing and visual acuity.Benefits include health dental vision and life insurance 403(b) retirement savings plan including company match paid time off free membership and movie screenings discounts in our gift shop camp program and IMAX theater and on-site parking. Come join our team Please forward letter of interest resume and salary requirements to McWane Science Center Human Resources at HR(at) EOE.



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