Apex D Rio unveiling the luxury of privileged lifestyle in Ghazi

Apex Group has come-up with most luxury residential project D Rio in Ghaziabad epitomizes your perception of luxury living. Located in Ahinsa Khand 2 Indirapuram Ghaziabad. Apex D Rio offers high-rise towers to accommodate its 3 BHK and 4 BHK apartments which have been etched with luxurious specification these Apex DRio flats in Indirapuram are designed on floor area ranging in between 2190 sq. ft. and 3695 sq. ft. with high-end specifications to offer beautiful homes for next-gen lifestyle. Start for Rs. 1.59 crores.Project Amenities Earthquake Resistance 24 x 7 Power Backup Elevator with intercom facility Round the clock Security service CCTV surveillance enabled project Ample parking space stilt and covered Strategically located towers for GardentProject Details Project Name Apex D Rio Location Indirapuram Ghaziabad Flats Size 2190 Sq. Ft.(3BHK) Price Rs. 1.59 Cr Visit Us www.apexdrio.net.in



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