M3M Gold Rush Boutique Floors Gurgaon Start for 64 lacs

Live luxury and joyous lifestyle in Gurugram M3M Group has presents the most beautiful residential destination M3M Gold Rush Boutique Floors. Nested at prime location in Sector 89 Gurgaon. Gold Rush Boutique Floors Gurgaon are designed on low-rise towers having 4 floors approximately 1600 apartments. Offers 2.5 & 3.5 BHK accommodation. Sketched on floor areas of 1100 sq. ft. to 1575 sq. ft. 2 BHK flats in Gurgaon starting from Rs. 64 lacs.Project Amenities -Landscaped Gardens Pollution free complex World class fitness center Earthquake resistant structures Amphitheatre & Meditation centre Indoor & Outdoor gaming area State-of-the-art Swimming Pool Five-tier security with CCTV surveillanceProject Details -Project Name Gold Rush Boutique Floors Location Sector-89 Gurgaon 2.5 BHK Flat Area 1100 sq. ft. Price Rs. 64 Lacs Website www.m3mboutiquefloors.net.in



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