Custom Tents Canada Outdoor Indoor Promotion Tent Depot

Premier manufacturer and retailer of digitally sublimated custom tents canada. Need something that is truly unique and eye-catching. We have an array of standard packages and with different sizes. Tent Depot also offers the highest quality custom party tents in British Columbia.Tent Features 30mm Commercial Grade Steel Frame 10ft x 10ft canopy with unlimited graphics Roof and Valance printed all 4 sides 600D Heavy-duty Polyester Material 100% Waterproof and UV Resistant. Fire-rated (CAN ULC-S109 and CPAI-84) Ground Stakes and Ropes 1 Year Fabric Warranty SizeAvailable 10x10 Tent 1x15 Tent 10x20 Tent Optional Upgrades 40mm Commercial Grade Aluminium Frame 50mm Commercial Grade Aluminium Frame Contact us 30 Pennsylvania Avenue Unit 5 Vaughan Ontario L4K 4A5 Canada Phone 1-877-409-0265 Email sales(at)



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