Looking for a real man

Any real bisexual real white real estate agent want to be together my fantasy is real state agent showing me a house together alone he comes on to me kissing on my neck unzipped my pants pull out my hard cock sucks on it we both get naked with all the doors r locked and the widows locked he start kissing me playing with me we both making love and having sex kissing and licking and cuddling and snuggle up with each other hopefully there is a realtor start agent is bisexual or gay man I would love to meet him inside of the empty house he works in Plano area I always wanted to be fucked sueduceed and French kissed by a realtor tall and handsome man ages between 50 and 65 who wants a boyfriend and serious commented relationship and seriously having a boyfriend this goes out to any reality state agent text me at this number 469 579 7012 I am available for any reality state agent loves to suck on cock shoots big loads inside of me and down my throat I am looking for a serious boyfriend who loves me for me any reality state agent response to my ad I want him to slapped and grabbed my ass I will love any reality state agent forever I loved to be fucked sueduceed and French kissed me in the garage and a shed I love to be naked in front of him a real man loves to fuck me in the garage and the shed who wants to date me and sleep with me who is committed to the relationship between us



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