Machine Operator - Aiken SC

Responsibilities may include but are not limited to the following 1. Locates buried facilities near the route of B service wire using appropriate equipment. 2. Operates a vehicle with trailer. 3. Places buried service wires using a manually controlled gasoline diesel powered tractor trencher plow boring machine or manual tools. 4. Coordinates work activity with customers other utilities and government agencies. 5. Provides temporary repairs to low voltage buried utilities sprinkler systems and sewage field lines damaged while performing other duties. 6. Provides periodic maintenance and non-complex repairs to equipment used in performance of other responsibilities. 7. Lifts and moves objects weighing up to 120 pounds. 8. Excavates using a shovel. 9. Reads and interprets simple instructions. 10. Drives Company vehicles. 11. Follows established safety practices and procedures including the manufacturer s specifications for operation or use of equipment.Candidates must meet the following minimum qualifications.Training The following must be satisfactorily completed for title retention On-the-job and or classroom training as required. Other Requirements Satisfactory performance and attendance in present job.AT& T will consider for employment qualified applicants in a manner consistent with the requirements of federal state and local lawsValid driver s license and the ability to drive vehicle manual shift in some assignments. GENERAL WORKING CONDITIONS PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Successful candidates require the ability to Normally work Monday through Friday with overtime and weekend work as required. Tour length will be 8 hours. Work outside in all kinds of weather and use various manually controlled machines or tools. Lifts and moves objects weighing up to 120 pounds. ADDITIONAL FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED Previous operating experience with equipment is desirable. Individuals holding this job title may be required to perform the above job duties with or without reasonable accommodations. Apply aiken



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