Well socialized Umbrella Cockatoo parrots for sale

Well socialized Umbrella Cockatoo parrots for sale DNA done and confirm sexes to be male and female. They are well socialized with people with other pets such as dogs and cats and easily adapt to their new saroundings. Both birds have CITIES certification and have closed rings attached. Both Parrots where hatched in 2020 and have been owned by us till now. Unfortunately due to my mom s health issues we are unable to provide them with the care they deserve and are reluctantly putting them up for sale. These parrots have been living together since and we would therefore prefer that they are sold together but we can still separate them if that is the case. We are asking 700 for just one without a cage and 1000 for both with cage and will come with all their belongings.. We can ship to your door steps. Contact us now via at the contact box below with your Email and phone number . Thanks



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