Financial sketchers - best financial advisory firm

We specialise in mapping your financial goals over your life stages, reviewing alignment of your existing investments these life-goals, weeding out any under-performing assets and recommend 100% customised investment strategy best suited specifically for your goals & capacity. What Makes Us Unique: 1. Door-step service - anywhere in the world : We are head-quartered in Delhi NCR and function out of 4 cities in India, in addition to overseas presence in UAE, Kenya, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong. We prefer to meet all our clients in-person - anywhere in the world. This approach has helped us build long-term relationships with over 1200 Indian families across 15 countries who have trusted us with protecting their financial goals worth Rs. 1600 crores. 2. Product Agnostic : We are an independent financial advisory firm carrying over 300 investment products in our portfolio - carefully handpicked from leading Financial Institutions from India & overseas. This implies we are not obligated to recommend any specific products from a particular Company. Further, it allows us to blend multiple investment products to craft a unique investment strategy that is aligned to your specific goals, investment capacity & personal preferences.



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