China ball valve manufacturer co, ltd

Founded in April 2010, China Ball Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd. ( is a dynamic and leading valve manufacturer dedicated to the research and development of high-quality valves. Spanning over 120, 000 square meters, Topper excels in producing a wide variety of valves, including ball valves, gate valves, globe valves, check valves, butterfly valves, forged valves, plug valves, and strainers. With 22 years of unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service, our company ensures that all products adhere to stringent standards such as API 6D, BS 5351, ASME B16.34, and DIN 3202. We are proud to hold ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 certifications, reflecting our dedication to quality, safety, and environmental responsibility. Equipped with robust design capabilities, advanced processing and testing equipment, and a dedicated team, Topper guarantees the performance, quality, and timely delivery of our products. Our valves are trusted in industries such as petroleum, chemical, electric power, steel, shipbuilding, and water treatment worldwide.



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