New commercial space and office for rent La Prairie Monteregie -- 90 Taschereau.Modern architecture - abundant fenestration Parking underground (19) and exterior (27)Available spaces Ground floor 1 900 to 3 900 sqft 2nd floor 2 000 to 6 316 sqft (5 707 sf net 609 pc shared space)Price on demand.Brochure available upon request. LEAVE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION 514-613-0625 quipe commerciale Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)mathieutessier.comEspace local commercial et bureau neuf louer La Prairie Mont r gie -- 90 boul. Taschereau.Architecture moderne - fenestration abondante Stationnements souterrains (19) et ext rieurs (27)Superficies disponibles RDC 1 900 3 900 pc 2e tage 2 000 6 316 pc (5 707 pc net 609 pc espace commun)Prix sur demandeBrochure disponible sur demande. VEUILLEZ LAISSER VOS COORDONN ES 514-613-0625 quipe commerciale Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)
Category: For Rent - Commercial Lease
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Compton Commercial Building For Lease - Warehouse style building that measures 2 700 sq ft...
Store front propery with onsite parking(handicap) located outside Westover AFB. Ideal for sm office nail...
Susan J Zacharie
ARLINGTON Office ready for occupancy total of 5 rooms and one restroom with SHOWER closet...
An ideal location if you are requiring 200 to 20 000 sq-ft of office space...
Call Property Manager To Lease 1 000 sq.ft. Office for 1 000 Miami Gardens Office...
1047 sqft fully built out this section can be use for criminal or family law...
The leaves are falling but that doesn t mean your business has to It is...
Formerly a portrait studio this suite is adjacent to edfinancial in windsor square....
Fully equipped cafeteria space located inside a convenience store. Ready to go. Good business opportunity...
--p--The Greene Town Center is a 72 acre development designed to include a diverse array...