Smartworld sector 69 gurgaon 3 BHK apartment is a recently launched residential apartment project. Smartworld 69 location is at Sector 69. Smartworld 69 floor plan of 2200-2400 sq. ft. and is priced between 3.75 Cr and 4 Cr. Smartworld sector 69 gurgaon Interior of each flat include anti-skid tiles in the bathrooms and balconies, laminated wooden flooring in the bedrooms and vitrified tile flooring in the living areas.Granite worktops, stainless steel sinks, and modular cabinetry are featured in the kitchens.Inside the ultra luxurious clubhouse, residents will enjoy an extensive array of over 150 amenities, such as an elevated infinity pool, panoramic views, and a variety of recreational facilities. Smartworld 69 rera will be applied soon and the project possession will be completed in mid 2029. It offers a panaromic of of the lush green aravalli hills adding to its charm.
Category: Real Estate - Homes
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