Specials 40x60x14 6800.00 36x60x14 6500.00 30x60x14 6250.00Barns Of America Inc 26151 Se Hwy 19 Old Town FL 32680Need a horse barn We have great deals going on Perfect smaller sizes 24x24x14 3 000 for just materials Another size 24x36x14 3 800.00 for just materials We offer upgrades You can get 8x8 posts 26 Gauge Metal Color upgrades Gable Ends & Wall Kits.Thinking money is too tight That s fine we have financing available 12 months same as cash & 18 months same as cash.Check out our website barnsofamericainc.com Or give us a call ask for Brittany at 352-469-5044 Barns of America IncNow Offering Octagon Buildings The one listed below is 16x16 8ft tall 4 000.00 Kit includes Angle Iron Steel Trusses 4x4 Pressure Treated Posts 2x6 Purlins 29 Gauge Galv Silver Roofing. We also can offer different sizes in this octagon building.We can go up to 40 wide.40x40 octagon building 9 000.00 comes with 6x6 pressure treated posts12x12 octagon building 2 400.00 comes with 4x4 pressure treated postsCall our office and ask for Brittany. 352-469-5044
Price: 500,000 USD
Category: Agriculture and Farming
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Barns Of America 26151 SE Hwy 19 Old Town Fl 32680 352-469-5044All barns sheds and...
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Barns of America 26151 Se Hwy 19 Old Town Fl 32680 352-469-5044Barns of America is...
Barns Of America Inc
Barns of America 26151 Se Hwy 19 Old Town Fl 32680 352-469-5044Barns of America is...
Barns Of America Inc
Barns of America 26151 Se Hwy 19 Old Town Fl 32680 352-469-5044Barns of America is...
Barns Of America Inc