Uns r30188 sheet stockists in india

UNS R30188, also known as Haynes 188, is a cobalt-based superalloy renowned for its exceptional high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. It is widely used in demanding applications where these properties are essential, such as in gas turbine engines, industrial furnaces, and chemical processing equipment. This blog will delve into the characteristics, applications, and benefits of UNS R30188 sheets. Characteristics of UNS R30188 Sheet Composition: Cobalt (Co): 38-42% Nickel (Ni): 20-24% Chromium (Cr): 20-24% Tungsten (W): 13-16% Iron (Fe): 3% Lanthanum (La): 0.02-0.12% Other elements include Manganese, Silicon, and Carbon in trace amounts. Mechanical Properties: Tensile Strength: Excellent, maintaining integrity at high temperatures. Yield Strength: High, ensuring durability under stress. Ductility: Good, allowing for significant deformation without fracture. Creep Resistance: Exceptional, critical for high-temperature applications. Thermal Properties: Melting Point: Approximately 1399°C (2550°F). Thermal Stability: Maintains strength and oxidation resistance at temperatures up to 1093°C (2000°F). Oxidation and Corrosion Resistance: Excellent resistance to oxidation, even in high-temperature environments. Good resistance to sulfidation and carburization, enhancing longevity in harsh conditions. Applications of UNS R30188 Sheet Aerospace Industry: Gas Turbine Engines: Used in combustion chambers, afterburners, and exhaust nozzles due to its ability to withstand extreme temperatures and oxidative environments. Rocket Engines: Utilized in components exposed to high heat and corrosive propellants. Industrial Furnaces: Heat Exchangers: Ensures efficiency and longevity in high-temperature operations. Furnace Linings: Provides a durable lining material capable of withstanding extreme thermal cycling. Chemical Processing: Reactors and Heat Treating Equipment: Suitable for equipment exposed to corrosive chemicals at high temperatures. Piping and Valves: Used in systems handling aggressive fluids, ensuring prolonged service life. Benefits of UNS R30188 Sheet High-Temperature Performance: The alloy maintains its mechanical integrity and resists oxidation and corrosion at elevated temperatures, making it ideal for severe environments. Durability: With its high strength and resistance to creep, UNS R30188 offers extended service life, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Versatility: Its combination of properties makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, from aerospace to chemical processing. Fabrication and Machining Welding: UNS R30188 can be welded using common techniques such as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW). Preheating and post-weld heat treatment are typically not required. Machining: The alloy can be machined using conventional methods, but it is recommended to use carbide tools due to its work-hardening nature



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