Heavy solid table with 6 chairs. The table is 29 tall & 61 long. Table has some wear on the top but can be covered up with Table cloth or placemats. One chair has a screw in the very top piece as shown in last Pic. NO other chairs have any issues. MUST PICK UP AT MY HOUSE IN FLORENCE
Category: Household & Furniture
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Why our Automatic Mere Grinder makes the perfect gift Get rid of pain to your...
Super comfy and can fit about 3 people Back goes back to make a bed
Melissa Milinda Berry
We love entertaining and have the most advanced and stylish Gifts and Supplies to entertain...
Our best-selling organic Washing Up Liquid is super concentrated extremely tough on grease and baked-on...
Christina Hawkes
Greenscents organic Laundry Liquid cares for even the most sensitive skin and our Nonscents range...
Christina Hawkes
If you send back your 5 & 20 litre empties we can reuse them again...
Christina Hawkes
Our anti-bacterial Loo Cleaner uses a powerful combination of organic cider vinegar and organic neem...
Christina Hawkes
I Have Two Dark Pine Bar Stools At 10.00 Each An Old Corner Chair At...
Mike F Fatcheric
Moving on Wednesday must sell Entertainment stand very heavy beautiful color. plenty of shelves and...
Robyn Wynn