Office for rent Sainte-Therese --- 3 Turgeon Street. Prestigious offices located on the first floor. 3 offices with large windows Office 101 to 156 sq.ft. Office 102 to 125 sq.ft Office 103 to 127 sq.ft.Common areas shared with other tenants on site 253 sq. ft. conference room with huge windows 250 sq. ft. kitchenette with huge windows waiting room and toilet.High-traffic street corner. Exterior and interior signage possible in accordance with municipal regulations and in agreement with the lessor. The Sub-Lessee may if they so desire obtain a parking sticker at their own expense for use of the municipal municipal parking lot located directly in front of the building.Available now. 1 995 month tx.For more details please forward your contact information or call Gilles Brunet 514-793-2547 Isabelle Pelletier 450-602-6570 Real estate brokers Royal Lepage Partenaire gillesbrunet.caBureaux de prestige louer Sainte-Th r se --- 3 Rue Turgeon. L ensemble comprends 3 bureaux ferm s situ s l tage avec de magnifiques et grandes fen tres Bureau 101 156 pi2 Bureau 102 125 pi2 Bureau 103 127 pi2Aires communes partag es avec autres locataires Salle de conf rence de plus de 253 pi2 avec immenses fen tres cuisinette de plus de 250 pi2 salle d attente et toilettes.Coin de rue tr s achaland avec un haut d bit de circulation. Possibilit d affichage ext rieur et int rieur. Stationnement municipal avec vignette ( ) en face du b timent si d sir .Disponible d s maintenant. 1 995 mois taxes.Pour plus d information veuillez laisser vos coordonn es ou joindre Gilles Brunet 514-793-2547 Isabelle Pelletier 450-602-6570 Courtiers immobiliers Royal Lepage Partenaire
Category: For Rent - Commercial Lease
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New commercial space and office for rent La Prairie Monteregie -- 90 Taschereau.Modern architecture -...
quipe Commerciale
Compton Commercial Building For Lease - Warehouse style building that measures 2 700 sq ft...
Store front propery with onsite parking(handicap) located outside Westover AFB. Ideal for sm office nail...
Susan J Zacharie
ARLINGTON Office ready for occupancy total of 5 rooms and one restroom with SHOWER closet...
An ideal location if you are requiring 200 to 20 000 sq-ft of office space...
Call Property Manager To Lease 1 000 sq.ft. Office for 1 000 Miami Gardens Office...
1047 sqft fully built out this section can be use for criminal or family law...
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Formerly a portrait studio this suite is adjacent to edfinancial in windsor square....
Fully equipped cafeteria space located inside a convenience store. Ready to go. Good business opportunity...