Gorgeous Bernedoodle Puppies Hi all our puppies are home trained and do well around kids and domestic pets.We have Girl Boys 11wks Shots Updated with papers.For Inquiries Text 305-998-5002
Category: Pets - Dogs
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These adorable Rottweiler pups are ready to find their forever homes. These little ones are...
Hurry before given away. Has no health problems . Will ship if necessary Puppy can...
This bunch of joy is going for giveaway price . Its Christmas and we are...
1 boy left. He is full of character and confidence and is very loving and...
Attractive and beautiful little Yorkie pups looking for their new family to love. He will...
Celina May
We have registered 1 girl and 2 boys for sale , very well socialized and...
Celina May
to want to lay right up with you when it s movieand popcorn time. Don...
Tan and black shih tzu puppies toy size will be tiny mom and dad only...
I don t mean to I just really really like food due to this me...
This puppies are vet checked and shall be coming along with all their health documents...