THE COMPASS STARS MOON SUN EARTH S LANDMARKS To GUIDE TRAVELERS ADVENTURERS TO NEW WORLDS AND BACK HOMEPeople have been using the Compass stars moon sun and the Earth s landmarks to guide them to New Worlds of Discovery since Man s Early Beginnings and of course to get back Home In today s world it is so Easy to become Lost . Not knowing which road to take not knowing what the right decision is in solving the problems you bump into in this Road of Life .With so many conflicting problem solvers out there in this World all saying this is what you should do it is at times So Very Confusing After all the wrong roads or choices will not matter to them but only to you and your loved ones.Today in this World there is truly only One Compass Jesus Christ The only True Compass to guide you through the turmoil and problems of this life Let Jesus Christ be your Compass . Ask Him to be with you guide you in this life because You Believe in Him Have Faith in Him that He is The Son of God Our Savior and because He Loves Us All No Matter What Wrongs We Have Done in This Life and His Love Is Unwavering Let your Faith in Jesus Christ bring you to a New Beginning that will literally change your life and the lives of those that you Touch .I am with you Lord Forgive Me of My Sins and Guide Me from this day forward Glory Be to God Our Heavenly Father and To His Holy Son Our Savior Jesus Christ Amen and Amen Visit
Category: World of Good
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