Team Lead Position in Insurance Domain

Team Lead Position in Insurance DomainJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesIn order to help the partner meet the sales unit s business objectives the incumbent will create and carry out a sales plan.Guide inspire and instruct the associate.Establish and track specific goals to meet the partners predetermined sales targets.Assist partners in generating and monitoring leads and closing deals.Assist partners in analyzing clients need to upsell and cross-sell.Continue to support the partner in facilitating their training so that there is always a fruitful channel.Experience 6 months to 3 yrs Qualification B.Com or M.ComSalary 22K Per monthLocation St. Thomas MountJob Type Full Time Permanent Job Immediate Joiners are mostly welcomedInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - 63855 and 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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