Bank Sector Looking for Team Lead job Job DescriptionExperience 1 years of ExperienceSalary 22K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation St Thomas Mount in ChennaiQualification B.Com or BBA or MBA or M.ComResponsibilitiesKeeping the underwriting process s risk coherent. Using instruments for risk management to mitigate riskOrganizing projecting and evaluating underwriting tasks. Motivate the chosen course of action to increase efficacy and efficiency.Determining several courses of action to enhance underwriting choices and underwriting expenses.Scanning papers to ascertain the level of risk posed by variables including the applicant s worth and financial situation health and shifts in the risk environment.Encouraging group members to fulfill the functional goalsImmediate Joiners are mostly welcomedInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - 63855 and 80670infohrpreetha29(at)
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Qualification anypass out of years -2016 to 2024fresher experienceaccountant or adminchennaicontact number 9092667380
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