Senior Rubber Process Engineer

We are seeking a hands-on customer-focused Senior Rubber Process Engineer for our custom molded rubber manufacturing facility located near Somersworth NH.Working with the operations quality safety and customer service teams you will be responsible for leading the development of new products improving existing products and processes and interacting with suppliers tooling vendors and customers. Ensuring material process and tooling meet the customer s technical requirements and safety standards. Creating BIM parts master process instructions and specifications and ensuring they meet all requirements.Must have solid knowledge of rubber injection compression and transfer molding processes and equipment. Strong problem-solving troubleshooting communication multi-tasking time management solid modeling and quality control (e.g. Lean Six Sigma) skills. ERP system experience is a plus.Bachelor s degree in Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering or a related field or equivalent work experience. A Master s degree is a plus. A minimum of three years of Process Engineering experience specifically working in the rubber industry is required.Highly competitive salary and outstanding benefits package including relocation from within the Continental United States.Please email your resume to nancy(at)



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