Production Supervisor jobs looking for Production Supervisor to join our dynamic team and embark on a rewarding career journey Hire and train employees. Maintain the production schedule. Evaluate production efficiency. Determine the quality of goods before shipping. Ensure that health and safety laws are followed. Set production goals and targets and monitor progress towards achieving them Ensure that production is efficient safe and of high quality Train and supervise production staff including assigning tasks and monitoring their performance Troubleshoot and problem-solve production issues as they arise Monitor and maintain inventory levels and coordinate with purchasing and logistics as needed Work with management to continuously improve production processes and efficiency Maintain accurate records and reports on production progress and issues Qualification BE ME -Mech Industry - Automobiles Mandatory Skills - SupervisingExp 35k to 42kLocation Chennai Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Admin Executive Shape Our Workplace EfficiencyJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesCompile a daily list of all client and vendor...
Mechanical Design Engineer (SolidWorks) FRESHER AND EXPJD Experience Fresh Experience 0 to 2 YearsEducation DME...
Dynamic Recruiter Shaping Tomorrow WorkforceJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesoverseeing the hiring procedure from job demand to onboarding for...
Administrative Executive Opportunity Apply NowJob DescriptionHi Job Seekers We are looking for Immediate Joiners or...
Admin Executive Begin Your CareerJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Compile a daily list of all client and vendor...
Shape Your Future as a Payment Posting ExecutiveJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesPost patient and insurance company payments into...
Lead Medical Billing Processes Payment Posting ExecutiveJob DescriptionHi Job Seekers We are looking for Immediate...
Factory Manager-GarmentsHandling Production Factory Operations -Experienced in Product Development- From Proto to PP Approval- -...
required fresh face few male & femalesage group 23 yr to 60 yrsalso all age...
Iifa Advertising Agency
Job description Hiring on spray painter jobs Prepare surfaces by cleaning sanding and masking as...