Possibilities in the Manufacturing Sector for Quality Managers

Possibilities in the Manufacturing Sector for Quality ManagersJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesRecognize client demands and specifications to create efficient quality control procedures.Create and evaluate product or process specifications.Establish specifications for providers of raw materials or intermediary goods then keep an eye on their compliance.Make sure that legal requirements and health and safety regulations are followed.Oversee technicians inspectors and other employees and offer advice and criticism.Keep an eye on all product development processes to spot any that deviate from quality requirements. Examine the result and contrast its attributes with the specifications.Experience 10 to 12 years Salary From 45K per monthQualification Diploma B.E B.Tech in Mechanical EEE ECE E& I and related fieldsJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation Irungattu Kottai ChennaiWork Hour 8 hoursInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - 63855 and 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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