How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 35kes4pz by August 21. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork. We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with nearly 300 reviews. NEW HIGHER SALARY 36 682 - 64 194 The ChallengeWe are looking for an Administrative Specialist to join our Salisbury Construction Resident Engineering team. In this role you will Perform office assistant tasks supporting our administrative program and technical operations. Lead project administration activities related to HiCams data entry certified payrolls records reviews iPad management technician training SharePoint entry and Transportation Information Management System (TIMS) data entry. Scan correspondence submittals meeting minutes densities ticket books supplemental agreements claims and project-related documentation. Distribute electronic correspondence by email to contractor and NCDOT staff. Check final estimate assemblies ticket books and pay record books for conformance with accepted standards and the Construction manual. Check certified payrolls against project diaries and wage interviews and notify engineering staff of discrepancies. Set up project files and record meeting minutes. Serves as our project traffic notice coordinator providing TIMS entry and public notice announcements. Review and schedule classes and assessments with our Materials and Tests Unit. Order equipment for project inspections sampling and testing. Work with a variety of records reports and filing activities. Have considerable public contact answering the phone and directing calls to appropriate staff. Process and approve time entry payroll and invoices. Maintain purchase order contracts and accounts payable using our SAP online database. Create requisitions travel expense vouchers HiCams entries TIMS entries and perform Human Resources administration. Manage personnel actions and have knowledge of all related policies and procedures. Perform typing correspondence filing and handling of incoming and outgoing mail. What You BringKnowledge of general office procedures and operations of office machines. Computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word Access Excel) online databases (Beacon SAP) and DocuSign. Ability to communicate effectively in written electronic and verbal forms use correct grammar and spelling to compose update and proofread correspondence when completing forms letters and reports. Ability to maintain knowledge of current project workload assigned to the Resident Engineer s office. Ability to schedule and coordinate appointments and meetings. Customer service experience including resolving customer issues. Experience completing and or maintaining records and reports. Experience interpreting and or explaining policies procedures and laws. Ability to effectively communicate technical knowledge with Engineers coworkers and the public. Solid general math skills and significant vocabulary grammar skills for proofreading correspondence reports and other documents. Excellent composition skills attention to detail and consistency with data entry and correspondence. Ability to work in an inside environment including being exposed to significant sitting for long periods. Strength to lift 25 pounds. Ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Education & ExperienceHigh school GED diploma and 2 years of related administrative experience or An equivalent combination of education and experience. Questions Call me Domisty Menius at (704) 630-3220. Connect me to NCDOT Careers s in ncdot-careers Show me more NCDOT jobs s NCDOTJobs Curious s JoinNCDOT
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