Production Supervisor jobs at chennai 2024Job Description The Production Supervisor is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the production floor ensuring that production schedules are met efficiently and effectively. This role includes managing production staff maintaining safety and quality standards and continuously improving production processes. The Production Supervisor will also coordinate with other departments to ensure seamless operations and optimal productivity.Job Responsibilities Oversee the daily operations of the production floor to ensure that production targets are met. Monitor production processes to ensure efficiency and quality. Identify and resolve production issues in a timely manner. Implement and enforce production schedules and timelines Monitor employee performance and provide feedback coaching and development opportunities Ensure products meet quality standards and specifications. Address and rectify any quality issues promptly Promote and enforce a safe working environment. Ensure proper maintenance and operation of production equipment. Coordinate with maintenance teams to address equipment issues and perform preventive maintenance.Qualification Bachelor s degree in EngineeringFreshers and experience can applyLocation Chennai.Job Types Full-time FresherPay 15k - 45k per monthBenefits Health insurance Provident FundSchedule Rotational shiftSupplemental Pay Commission pay Overtime payEducation Bachelor s (Preferred)Experience total work 1 year (Preferred)Shift availability Day Shift (Preferred) Night Shift (Preferred) Overnight Shift (Preferred)Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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