Hiring Full stack developers with 2 to 5 yrs of Exp

Hiring Full stack developers with 2 to 5 yrs of ExpJob descriptionResponsibilitiesCommunicate with other developers to design and implement the necessary solutions Assist in pair programming to deliver both proof of concept and targeted features Cooperate with the Agile team to define the new products and features needed by the Product team.To guarantee dependable secure and regular deployments comprehend and utilize our technological architecture.Strengthen and preserve current product features.To assure the quality of the code take part in both official and informal code reviews.Experience 2 to 5 yearsQualification B.E B.Tech Degree in IT or RelatedSalary negotiable based on ExperienceJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation Ambattur ChennaiInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - 63855 and 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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