Injection molding

Job description Roles and Responsibilities Manage production activities including planning scheduling and controlling to meet customer requirements. Oversee injection moulding machine operation and maintenance to ensure efficient production. Develop and implement quality control procedures to ensure compliance with industry standards. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to resolve issues related to polymer formulation mould design and plastic injection moulding processes. Ensure adherence to safety protocols and maintain a clean working environment. Responsible & controlled daily rejection & rework percentage through various means like conducting Why analysis. Also looking production reports Shift production reports Physical Vs ERP consumption of materials. Responsible for Inventory management on shop floor. Monitoring of Tool readiness. Raw material planning. Production declaration and reporting to management through mail. Process troubleshooting and maintain efficiency of process pvc extrusion profile (Die set-up) based on plan. Qualification any basic graduation salary 20k based on exp its negotiable Location Chennai with warm regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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