100 openings for Tamil Voice process with immediate offersJD Job description We have huge requirements for Tamil voice process in ChennaiNo of Openings 100Work from OfficeLocation Chennai (Mount Road Nungambakkam Perungudi Kodambakkam & Thoraipakkam)Job Description Average communications in English Tamil Language Fresher s are welcome Qualification HSC to Any Degree Salary range 12k to 15k Take home Plus Incentives Immediate Joiners Interested candidates can call immediately toRegards Nedhra -HR89251 and 14937
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Job description Machine operation Mould Setting and all related work Role Machine Operator Machinist Industry...
Hiring For BPO Non Voice Process jobs at chennai JD Process Airtel Email Chat Semi-Voice...
React JS and Native Jobs Available for NewcomersJob descriptionResponsibilitiesUse React Native to create and manage...
Job description Roles and Responsibilities Manage production activities including planning scheduling and controlling to meet...
Are you trying to find work as a Java developerJob DescriptionExperience 1 to 3 yearsQualification...
Job description Walk-in Interview for HR Recruiter Executive(Female Only) Looking for a smart and enthusiastic...
DescriptionHiring on Electrical design Engineering software system Maintain and Develop in Snowflake Cloud DataWarehouse. Graduate...
Call Centre BPO Executive - Customer SupportJob description Hi dear friends Welcome Inform customers about...
Hiring Full stack developers with 2 to 5 yrs of ExpJob descriptionResponsibilitiesCommunicate with other developers...
top Java developer positions at huge multinational corporationsJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesProficiency in object-oriented programming familiarity with diverse...