Printing company with building less than 30 min from Quebec City

Printing for sale real estate included less than 30 min from Quebec City. Founded for over 25 years the company specializes in high-quality printing services. The company offers a full range of services including digital and large format printing as well as customized solutions. Its modern facilities equipped with cutting-edge technologies ensure efficient and high-quality production. The company is strategically located facilitating access and rapid delivery of finished products. The printing team is composed of experienced professionals dedicated to providing personalized service that meets the specific needs of each client. Committed to innovation and quality the company works closely with its customers to offer printing solutions that exceed their expectations. Good profitability and possible development.The company offers customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client. Its team of experienced professionals excels in digital printing for custom and large format printing. It also offers finishing services such as binding cutting and folding ensuring a professional final product. The vast majority of orders are recurring and routed online by a loyal clientele.Customers Businesses schools and organizations. Long-standing loyal repeat customers.Turnkey and financing available.City postal code and map do not represent the exact location of the business for confidentiality.Brochure with all the information available upon request. LEAVE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Stanislas Didier Business broker CAN ( 1) 514-618-9165 FR ( 33) 07-66-37-69-66 sdidier(at) www.maydaystrategies.comImprimerie vendre immobilier inclus moins de 30 minutes de Qu bec. Fond e depuis plus de 25 ans l entreprise est sp cialis e dans les services d impression de haute qualit personnalis s. Elle propose une gamme compl te de services incluant l impression num rique et grands formats ainsi que des services de finition tels que la reliure la d coupe et le pliage assurant un produit final professionnel. Ses installations modernes dot es de technologies de pointe assurent une production efficace et de haute qualit . L entreprise est strat giquement situ e facilitant ainsi l acc s et la livraison rapide des produits finis. L quipe de l imprimerie est compos e de professionnels exp riment s d di s fournir un service personnalis r pondant aux besoins sp cifiques de sa client le compos e majoritairement d entreprises d tablissements scolaires et d organismes. Une client le r currente et fid le depuis longtemps. Belle rentabilit et d veloppement possible. Cl en main et financement disponible.La ville le code postal et la map ne refl tent pas l endroit exact du commerce par confidentialit .Brochure avec les informations disponible sur demande. VEUILLEZ LAISSER VOS COORDONN ES Stanislas Didier Courtier en vente et acquisition d entreprises CAN ( 1) 514-618-9165 FR ( 33) 07-66-37-69-66 sdidier(at)



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