Amazing Opportunity for ITI Fitter and Turner in MNCDear Seekers We are Recruiting Freshers for Fitter and Turner in a leading MNC Company.Hiring Both Freshers and Experienced Candidates for Chennai.Qualification - Diploma ITI Designation - Fitter Turner Salary 15K - 30k Job location Chennai Experience -Fresher -2YearsImmediate joiners are preferred If you have any queries Feel free to call.Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
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Job descriptionFresher Software Developer - MaleSal 2.4 L - 3.5 L P AQualification B.E B.Tech...
Positions Open for New Employs Java DeveloperJob DescriptionExperience Freshers Qualification B.E B.Tech in Any Stream...
Hiring in Bulk for Python Developer Jobs for FreshersJob DescriptionExperience FreshersQualification B.E B.Tech in any...
Job description Good exposure in low-level hardware and communication protocol Strong knowledge of micro-controller architectures...
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Job Title Lead Engineer - Java full stack developer and AWSYears of Experience 2 YearsLocation...
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Job description Bpo Hiring in tamil voice process Day shift Salary 10k in hand Language...
Interesting Database Development Jobs for New HiresJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesRecognize the fundamentals of database architecture such as...