Employing GCP Developers with 1 to 3 yrs of expJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesSet up guidelines for maintainability scalability and security of the codebase.Building a simple scalable system.Setting up testing code review guidelines in the team.Laying out the technology architecture for both the immediate and long term.Developing and managing the entire backend operations of the products.In a nutshell you need to architect code. DevOps experience GCP Docker Kubernetes.Experience 1 to 3 years Salary From 18K per monthQualification B.E B.Tech degreeJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiFreshers can also apply for this JobInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - 63855 and 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com
Category: Employment & Jobs
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