Medical Billing Healthcare Billing 0 to 4 Years Job description We are hiring for TOP MNC for Medical Billing Healthcare Billing- Voice & Non-Voice Domain.Role- Billing (Must have call handling exposure as well)Location - ChennaiExperience - 0 - 2 Years.Shift - Flexible to work in shifts including night shift.Qualification- Commerce graduate & postgraduate.Note- Ready to work from office.Skills RequiredStrong verbal and oral communication & client-facing skillsRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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intriguing position available for a full stack developerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesParticipate in pair programming to produce both...
Database architects jobs available in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesIn charge of creating the conceptual logical and physical...
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Job description Knowledge in Autocad Solidworks catia etc. Role Design Engineer Industry Type Automobile Department...
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Employing GCP Developers with 1 to 3 yrs of expJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesSet up guidelines for maintainability...
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