Job description Working knowledge and proficient coding in one of the following languages Python Experience test-driven development. Experience with dealing with RESTful APIs. Ability to pick up another language as required and to perform software development with minimal assistance. Experience in SQL and No-SQL databases.Can grasp application protocols like NTP DNS RADIUS etc Experience of developing and maintaining shell scripts. Experience working with Gitlab and performing code reviews. Experience of building and maintaining CI pipelines. Strong familiarity and working knowledge of Linux operating system. Strong understanding of networks. Knowledge of clustering and load balancing technologies. Knowledge of automation tools and practices. Experience with Cloud platforms such as OpenStack AWS. Good understanding of TCP and UDP. Experience in working and designing highly available and highly resilient services. Experience working in Agile Environment and use of work planning and tracking tools e.g. Jira ServiceNow. Location chennai Exp 2-4 yrs salary 15k based on experience its negotiable with warm regard infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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