Looking for International Voice Process BPO jobs JD We are looking for BPo Voice International Process Candidates minimum 6 months of experience required walk-in goingImmediate Joiners requiredAny degree candidates can applyExp 0 to 5 yrsRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
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Job description Hiring for Hindi Kannada Malayalam Telugu English Voice Process Graduation is not Mandatory...
Job Position Electrical Technician (Paint shop Maintenance)Exp 0 to 4 yearsQualification ITI Diploma & BE...
Job descriptionRole & responsibilitiesKey Responsibilities Responsible for Injection Moulding machine maintenance activitiesexperience through knowledge on...
Jobs for Database Administrators Are Available in Chennai Job DescriptionResponsibilitiesManage & Support Services on DBCS...
Job description Working knowledge and proficient coding in one of the following languages Python Experience...
Quality Control Engineer 0 to 2 yrsJob description - We are looking for quality control...
Start your career in Automation Testing Job DescriptionExperience FreshersQualification B.E B.Tech in IT or Related...
Medical Billing Healthcare Billing 0 to 4 Years Job description We are hiring for TOP...
intriguing position available for a full stack developerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesParticipate in pair programming to produce both...
Database architects jobs available in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesIn charge of creating the conceptual logical and physical...