Maintains work

Hiring on maintenance works Plan Organize and control all maintenance works within the company to ensure that plant and equipment is maintained to the required standards of quality and availability. Monitor the maintenance budget to ensure that all costs are kept within the agreed limits. Must able to supervise furnace refractory & electrical automation related maintenance job. Essential Functions & Responsibilities Maintain a regular liaison with other functions to ensure that plant and equipment is available to meet operational requirements. Annual maintenance budget preparation inventory control & spare parts management. Location chennai salary 15k based on exp its negotiable Supervise and train all maintenance staff to ensure that they carry out their duties effectively and maintain effectively working relationships. Monitor all maintenance work to ensure that it complies with all health and safety requirements. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all plant and equipment and identify and resolve any issue relating to maintenance procedures plant or equipment. with warm regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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