Jobs for 23 and 24 Batch Freshers in Java Development

Jobs for 23 and 24 Batch Freshers in Java DevelopmentJob DescriptionResponsibilities Develop and design microservices with Java and Spring. Take part in design discussions and user story grooming. Make suggestions for improvements.Utilizing agile approaches like SCRUM and TDD adhere to standard development processes.Evaluate and assess business needs and offer estimates and technical viability.Conduct code reviews mentor engineers offer technical advice etc.Experience 0 to 1 yearQualification Any Degree Related to ITSalary From 15K per monthLocation ChennaiJob Type Full Time Permanent JobImmediate Joiners are mostly Preferred24 Batch Candidates can also apply for this postInterested Candidates please Contact the Hr for Further Details HR - 63855 and 80670Infohrpreetha29(at)



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